One of the great things about San Diego is its diversity. With people from many cultures inhabiting San Diego, makes it the cultural hub it is today. This history of diversity shines through in the buildings San Diegans call home. The area boasts an eclectic selection of home styles ranging from the traditional ranch to the unique postmodern. Let’s take a look at the 5 most popular housing styles in San Diego:
Ranch properties, characterized by their single-story profile and plain style, are one of the most popular styles of houses in San Diego. Some offer the additional benefit of a finished basement to compliment the simple floor plan. Ranch houses of any age can benefit from a home remodel either to simply update the existing amenities or to bring the house more in line with your own style. Are you looking for a ranch style home remodel in San Diego? Lars Remodeling & Design can offer great guidance on getting the most from your ranch property.
Spanish Style
These characterful properties are abundant and hugely popular throughout San Diego. Also known as Mission style, these homes boast red-tiled roofs, stucco siding, and beautiful arched doorways—3 key characteristics that make them easy to identify. A home remodel in San Diego with Lars can help you put Spanish styling back into your new home, or perhaps add a modern twist to existing Spanish style features.
Townhomes are popular with people living closer to the city center in more densely populated areas. The multistory style property is generally tall with a narrow floor plan to make the most of limited lot space. Townhomes appeal to people looking for a more urban lifestyle close to many amenities. Townhomes are a great option for a home remodel in San Diego as their relatively simple style offers a blank canvas to put your own stamp on.
Split-Level home designs are heavily influenced by ranch style properties, which is shown in their long, narrow floor plan and simple design. Although they possess many of the same features as a ranch style home they also offer the added bonus of extra space. Staircases and multiple floors are characteristics that set these homes apart from ranch homes. These homes are popular with families who like the ranch style but value the additional space offered by split-level properties. Split-level properties benefit from skilled designers to ensure you get the most out of the multiple floors; Lars Remodeling & Design can help you with a split-level home remodel in San Diego.
Post-Modern homes are the truly unique properties in San Diego. Each post-modern home boasts its own style with individual shapes and features that make them truly unique. With no two post-modern properties alike these homes appeal to people who are looking for something a little different. They often stand out from other properties in the area as their unique look is unlike any other style. Whether you’re looking to tone down the style or add in unique features, Lars can help you with a post-modern home remodel in San Diego.
What’s your style?
Whatever style house you live in there is always room to stamp your own individuality onto the property. Whether you’ve just moved in and want to make your house into your home, or you’ve lived in your property for years and think it’s time for an update, Lars Remodeling & Design can help make your home remodel in San Diego simple, easy and stress-free.
Contact us today for free advice on updating your home, whether it’s a complete whole house remodel, or just updating one room, we’re here to help.