Whether you are in the process of a contemporary room addition or plan to have your master bathroom remodeled, you’re probably anxious to see and enjoy the finished result, and that’s completely natural. Who in their right mind would rather think about the less pleasant aspects of a remodeling project when they could envision the stunning beauty of their future home?
But however unglamorous the notion may be, room additions and other remodeling projects in San Diego come with their own unique challenges. In fact, living through a home remodeling project means dealing with copious amounts of dust and unpleasant noise for months on end. But fear not! You can protect yourself and your home during your remodel with ease if you follow the tips we’ve prepared for you. Read on.
How to stay safe during a remodeling project
All the dust, debris, and dust in a home remodeling project can put your entire family at risk if you are not careful. This is why it is important to take any steps necessary to keep your kids and pets safe during a remodel and await the end result without major obstacles. We’ve picked out three essential tips for ensuring a safe and smooth renovation project:
Maintain good air quality
Dust has a way of getting into the tiniest of crevices of your space, even if the construction is contained to a single room in your home. Unfortunately, excessive dust can pose a risk to yours and your family’s health, aggravating respiratory issues such as allergies or asthma. This is why it is crucial to pay extra attention to air quality during any renovation project.
You can minimize the amount of dust carried throughout your home by relying on a high-efficiency air purification system if you have one. We also recommend shutting down your HVAC system and switching to portable ACs and heaters if the construction is performed close to the return vents. If not, you should close the air vents in the construction zone and make sure that your filters are clean.
Prepare for the noise
Noise is an inevitable part of home remodeling. Although your contractors may do everything in their power to minimize the sound levels, construction equipment is simply loud, that’s just how it is. If you want to avoid being home during the noisier parts of the construction, such as floor sanding or cutting tiles, make sure to ask your contractor to notify you in advance. Many contractors also offer to lay plywood to your home’s outer wall if they are working on a room addition.
Hazard-proof your home
Your home is bound to be plagued with seemingly endless debris throughout the construction process. Luckily, you can keep yourself safe and also help your contractors by taking the time to tidy up and remove any potential hazards. These may include exposed screws and nails, loose wiring, open piping, and so on. Although your construction technicians will surely keep the job site as clean as it can be in-between visits, you may want to ensure clear walking paths throughout your home and also cover any finished areas to protect them from damage.
We bring you the finest room additions in San Diego
At Lars Remodeling & Design, we specialize in rendering premium-quality home remodeling services across the San Diego area. We work with highly qualified professionals who will make sure your remodeling project goes without a hitch, taking all the necessary steps to protect you from all the dust and noise during the construction process.
With Lars, you get expertise-based remodeling that meets your needs every step of the way. Whether you want to experience the perks of a trendy kitchen remodel or want us to enhance the look of your bathroom, we’ll make sure the end result is what you imagined and so much more. Contact us today!