When deciding how to spend hard earned money on one of the biggest investments (remodeling), it pays handsomely to do your homework first! If there is ever a time to invest a small amount of time into your future and your pocketbook, it's before you do any home improvements or renovations.
Most individuals and couples fall into two major categories - Classic or Trendy.
People who are always more cautious and believe wholeheartedly in the classic designs and furnishings tend to stay safe and seek security in their design sense.
Is there truth to an aesthetic that has stood the test of time and is considered a classic? Yes! Does a classic design save you money? Yes and no.
Saving money can be a temporary objective or a long term objective. Sometimes, designing with the classics in mind cost more money to begin with because true classics are at this point vintage pieces and manufactures have to spend good money to keep the classics in fashion. Replicas also charge a premium because of demand. When you design to true classic fashion, whether it be in a kitchen, bathroom, or a living room, true design demands attention to detail-and details are not inexpensive.
Let's say that you are remodeling your living room and wanted to use a VINTAGE Eames lounge chair and ottoman. This is not only a statement piece but too has become a piece of usable art at this point in time. This chair in original condition fetches $4K or more with most vendors. A replica will be less expensive but true diehards refuse to imitate great design! Heritage pieces retain their value whereas replicas will always be just that, fakes.
When you are considering classic design and remodeling, be inspired by your surroundings and make sure that you stay true to your heart and home. Try to incorporate signature elements that will make you happy for years to come and will be appreciated by those closest to you. Try to design for longevity and not temporary.
On the complete other hand, many people will gather their inspirations from the latest fashions, décor, and fixtures of the moment and these people are truly trendy.
Trends come and go with time. As with everything major, if you use too much of a trend or invest too much into a trend, your investment is fantastic for the moment but with time, it will lose its luster.
I stress that if you improve your surroundings, fashion, or décor with trends, to try and use accents instead of entire environments. When you decide that if incorporating one trend is good, but 1000 trends would be better, that is fine for you but may not appeal to the next person. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being trendy and current!
Being trendy and current keeps a person alive and being accepted for their own aesthetic. But, when making major life investments such as a kitchen or bathroom, being trendy can result in a large cash outlay at the moment as well as when and if you decide to sell, a larger outlay of cash then also. Not only will another person look at your environment and say it's "dated", they will also calculate the time, effort, discomfort, and money needed to correct the issue they see.
Trends are wonderful and appealing in the moment but if you want to incorporate designs to be a bit safer and have a wiser investment, it's always best to use a mixture of both Classic and Trendy.
If you’re making large investments to your surroundings, please consult someone who you respect and appreciate their point of view and of course, ask questions! Questions do not cost money but the time invested in the research could make a large difference in making a $50,000 decision or a $500,000 decision.
To be safe, there is the happy middle ground of using a classic, timeless background and accenting the room with trends that can be changed with time and are less expensive pieces in the short term as well.
Classics are classics for a reason-they have proven time and time again that they don't truly go out of vogue, yet accessories are inexpensive and easy to apply and change should you seek another vision or direction.
Michael Hebert
Project Design Consultant
Lars Remodeling and Design
[email protected]